The Story Of Us

Sunday, January 16, 2011

bowling baby

Yesterday we took Presley bowling for the first time. It went better than I had envisioned it. We only had a few major meltdowns and fell out of a chair once, but we didn't bust a lip or break I consider that a major success! :) We went with some buddies and had a great time. I think Jaden & Kole would have a great time, so we may be going back sooner rather than later!
They had this metal ramp thingy (that you obviously see in the pictures!) that let little ones bowl without hurting themselves! It was pretty cool! Presley got the hang of it really quick and would run to the ball return thingy and try to pick up a ball. I would help her carry it out to Jeremiah who was at the ramp thingy and then she would push it down all by herself. I realize what a big girl she is at moments like that and it makes me sad. :(

side note::::I have NO idea why this pictures are different sizes and it's driving me nuts! I uploaded them the same way! Ahhhhh! It's ok....I'm letting go now!::::end side note
She was so funny to watch! When the ball was rolling down the lane, she would clap and laugh and jump up and down. She just thought it was hilarious to push it and then watch it roll!

We didn't even get through the whole game. Our hour was up before we knew it! Oh well, I don't think a toddler could have lasted much longer anyway....I had started going for Presley the last few frames we played. Stinkin' Jeremiah won! I finished ahead of Presley, but only by like, a few points! She's a natural!


Sarah @ A day in the life said...

Love how she's kicking her foot! Too funny!

Sarah @ A day in the life said...

And I totally meant to comment on the first video! Not bowling! Haha!