The Story Of Us

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday pictures

Presley loves to put on chapstick! It's hilarious that she pokes out her little lips in the perfect shape to put some on. She finds it so entertaining to go through my makeup drawer and pull out brushes and paint her face with them! I think we are in trouble if this is any indication of the future! Ha ha! :)
She looks kinda sad in this picture, but her dress is just so cute in it, I couldn't resist posting. We all know how I LOVE birds and owls, especially on clothing! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

20 months!

Presley just keeps growing like a little weed! I can't believe that just 20 short months ago we brought her home from the hospital as a little bundle of sweetness! And now, we can't contain her! She is in constant motion...I wish I had a fourth of the energy that is in that little body! Presley is very headstrong and it gets her into trouble most days! Poor thing she gets it honestly! I just hope she learns how to redirect it for her good!
Presley is still in 18-24 month clothes and in a size 5 shoe. Most people comment how petite she is. But I think she's been growing through a growth spurt for the last week or so. She has been eating everything in sight! She'll eat all of her food, sometimes even second helpings, then a short time later, she will want a snack. It's like I'm raising a boy! ;)
My favorite new Presley words are: all bebber (all better), yaya (light-I have no idea about this one!), boo (fruit- again why that?), wow, whoa, aw man (this one is hilarious because she says it in perfect context!). Presley is now saying 2 word phrases now. The other night she said "more shiken" when she wanted more chicken. Yay! I'm excited for this new communication!
And probably one of the most precious things Presley does right now is pray. We always pray before we eat and she'll bow her head with her hands together and then at the end she will say "amen". But now she does it on her own. She will bow her head and mumble and then lift her head and say "amen"! =) PRECIOUS, I tell you!

Oh, I almost forgot....teeth! Presley has 10 teeth now. You may be thinking, big deal! But it has taken us forever to get a mouth full!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

weekend review

Here is the recap of our fun weekend! Thursday~ fun playdate with friends

Friday~ laundry, L&M consignment sale where I got 3 toys for Presley's birthday that were $5 each! Score!

I can't remember which day this was, but it's pretty funny. Jeremiah is combing her
hair while she picked up playing his PS3 game! Ha ha!

Saturday~ lunch date with Meemaw & cousin Chloe, date night for J & I. We ate at Buffalo Wild Wings, yum! & saw Just Go With It....funniest movie I've seen in a long time! It was a nice, needed night out!

Sunday~ Presley's nose really started pouring down! :( We've only been to church like once in the past month due to all of us being sick at random times...I really miss it! We attempted to go to WinterJam in Mobile that night. When we got there they had reached capacity and weren't letting anyone else in. But sweet Sidewalk Prophets came out and played 3 songs for us. They were awesome! We were all pretty bummed about it. But maybe 3 lost souls got to go in instead of us and were changed forever! :)

Monday~ Valentine's day (see below post!) We delivered cupcakes to my mom and the kids and Presley played around for a little bit. She has on Kameron's skate helmet in the pics!

totally random, but I rocked the weekend with these babies! They are Sally Hansen Nail Effects strips & are all the rage right now. & they are awesome! Super easy to put on, they look great and last for a while. Hope y'all had a great weekend too!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

Hope y'all had a great day today full of lots of love and good food, and maybe even a little chocolate! :) We had a pretty good day. Poor Jeremiah has been sick with a cold and Presley is still snotty and GROUCHY! I wish we could all stay well for a few days around here...anyways that's a whole other post! I'm not super big into Valentine's Day. We always do super low-key stuff, like simple dinners & cards and oreos for gifts! :)

And this year was no different. We had dinner after Presley went to bed. I made Pioneer Woman's comfort meatballs and oh my gosh, there are simply no words to describe them. These have got to be on the menu in Heaven! ;)

& I made cupcakes, of course! They were pretty yummy and kid-approved!

Presley was saying (& signing) more, more, more! I think she liked them! :)

Presley made out with some pretty awesome gifts from family- stuffed animals, candy, a bear sippy cup and bowl. We gave her a monkey hooded towel which kind-of freaks me out because it has hands and feet sewn onto it. But the face is really cute! She also got a sucker, but we didn't break it out yet, maybe tomorrow she can chow down on that....outside!

The monkey towel also has a tail, which I think is pretty cute! Who knows how it will hold up in the wash though. It might have to get cut off if it ends up too raggedy! Ha!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

big girl bath time

Recently we've moved on to some big girl things. Presley has had a "regular" toothbrush for a while now but I bought "regular" toothpaste the other day & she LOVES it! :) Don't worry it still doesn't have any fluoride in it. & unless her gums are sore, she loves to brush them by herself. If they are sore...I have to hold her down and do it myself. :(

Presley stands up on a stool now in front of the sink. She can almost reach the water to wash her hands. When she's brushing her teeth, she rinses off her toothbrush by herself! ha ha!

We just went from brushing her hair with the soft baby brush to combing it with a comb. & Presley now has tangles in her hair. TANGLES! Those things can't be in my baby's hair! ;) I told my mom I'm going to have to buy some detanglizer spray soon to help!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

could it be Thursday already please?

I am so excited for this weekend! I know what you're thinking, it's only Tuesday lady! But that means I'm only 2 nights away from starting my weekend! :) I have FIVE glorious days off and we have a ton of fun things dates, real dates!, a concert, and of course Valentine's Day! Not that we do anything big, but I love a day that celebrates with chocolate! ha ha! Hope your weekend comes soon too!

Monday, February 7, 2011

too much Yo Gabba Gabba leads to this-

your child knowing that she can put a spoon on her nose for a cool trick!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm no Pioneer Woman,

but I can follow her directions! Ha ha! MAN her cinnamon rolls are delish! I, no, WE made them yesterday. I say we because I drove my husband batty with "but they don't really look like hers do" and he so lovingly rolled them out with me! :) So I'm giving him some credit! Everything is from scratch so they took forever to make. Seriously, like hours. But I think they were worth it. The recipe made 48 rolls, so we gave away a lot, ate a lot and still have some in the freezer! In true Pioneer Woman fashion, I took photos of the process. ;) Well, not all of it, because my hands got kinda messy!

raw dough, then below sprinkled with the good stuff

all rolled in a pan...the second batch came out MUCH prettier!
YUM! the finished product!
The icing is very maple-y, coffee tasting. It's good, but I will probably try some other icing recipe next time just for something different. Oh, and her orange rolls look insanely tasty. You better believe I'll be trying that recipe soon!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday night cuteness

almost a week later...

and we still aren't up to par around here. Poor Presley! We tried eating normal food on Tuesday and that just resulted in well, more sickness. Presley finally got to drink milk and eat some oatmeal this morning. You would have thought that I had never fed her before! She kept pointing to the bowl and saying "ohmeal, mmmm!" over and over again! It was kinda sad! I really, really hope that this weekend is better than our last one!