We hope everyone had a great day! We sure did! My grandparents came down to spend Easter with us and we are so glad they did! We always love seeing them! :) The Easter Bunny came and left some goodies for Presley! She, of course, noticed the bubbles first and snatched them out and wanted us to blow them! She also got a duck hooded towel, a chocolate bunny (that should be fun to eat!), sidewalk chalk, an Elmo DVD, and a toddler Bible. It's really just a collection of Bible stories that are simple to read and have illustrations...it's super cute! {please excuse the junky background...it was well past midnight and the Easter Bunny was really tired!}
We went to the 9 am service at church and then headed to my parents' house. We ended up feeding Presley an early lunch and then putting her down for a nap before we even ate. She was just so cranky that I thought it might help to do that. Um, pretty much wrong! She only catnapped, with all of the excitement going on around the house! There were mini-meltdowns all over the place, but what's a holiday without a meltdown?! She ate again with us and then we had an egg hunt.
One of the first eggs Presley picked up had melted chocolate in it (because it's 109 degrees outside already!) and it went all over her outfit and all in her bucket. I try really hard to not be a perfectionist, but sometimes it just gets the best of me, and I just couldn't handle the melted chocolate everywhere. So I took Presley's basket away, had to clean her up and get her a new one. I tried to be cool, calm, and collected, tried being the key word. I'm sure I came across as a crazy psycho mom...I kinda felt like one after it was all over with! Sorry about that everybody!
Anyways, nothing ever turns out exactly how you plan. And we still had a great day and I got some cute pics!
And thanks to Karri! She's normally our Nanny on Sunday mornings with feeding Presley breakfast and getting her dressed for church, but this morning she woke us all up (thank goodness, because I had turned my alarm off instead of hitting snooze!). AND she got Presley completely ready! No easy feat, I tell you! Thanks again friend!
Sunday Edit
3 days ago
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