The Story Of Us

Sunday, February 20, 2011

20 months!

Presley just keeps growing like a little weed! I can't believe that just 20 short months ago we brought her home from the hospital as a little bundle of sweetness! And now, we can't contain her! She is in constant motion...I wish I had a fourth of the energy that is in that little body! Presley is very headstrong and it gets her into trouble most days! Poor thing she gets it honestly! I just hope she learns how to redirect it for her good!
Presley is still in 18-24 month clothes and in a size 5 shoe. Most people comment how petite she is. But I think she's been growing through a growth spurt for the last week or so. She has been eating everything in sight! She'll eat all of her food, sometimes even second helpings, then a short time later, she will want a snack. It's like I'm raising a boy! ;)
My favorite new Presley words are: all bebber (all better), yaya (light-I have no idea about this one!), boo (fruit- again why that?), wow, whoa, aw man (this one is hilarious because she says it in perfect context!). Presley is now saying 2 word phrases now. The other night she said "more shiken" when she wanted more chicken. Yay! I'm excited for this new communication!
And probably one of the most precious things Presley does right now is pray. We always pray before we eat and she'll bow her head with her hands together and then at the end she will say "amen". But now she does it on her own. She will bow her head and mumble and then lift her head and say "amen"! =) PRECIOUS, I tell you!

Oh, I almost forgot....teeth! Presley has 10 teeth now. You may be thinking, big deal! But it has taken us forever to get a mouth full!


Sarah @ A day in the life said...

I knew this post was coming. Makes me sad every.single.time. Our babies are growing!