The Story Of Us

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm no Pioneer Woman,

but I can follow her directions! Ha ha! MAN her cinnamon rolls are delish! I, no, WE made them yesterday. I say we because I drove my husband batty with "but they don't really look like hers do" and he so lovingly rolled them out with me! :) So I'm giving him some credit! Everything is from scratch so they took forever to make. Seriously, like hours. But I think they were worth it. The recipe made 48 rolls, so we gave away a lot, ate a lot and still have some in the freezer! In true Pioneer Woman fashion, I took photos of the process. ;) Well, not all of it, because my hands got kinda messy!

raw dough, then below sprinkled with the good stuff

all rolled in a pan...the second batch came out MUCH prettier!
YUM! the finished product!
The icing is very maple-y, coffee tasting. It's good, but I will probably try some other icing recipe next time just for something different. Oh, and her orange rolls look insanely tasty. You better believe I'll be trying that recipe soon!


Sarah @ A day in the life said...

Eli totally helped me too. He insistedbi wasn't doing it right! I'm glad they turned out good. The orange ones are totally calling my name too!