The Story Of Us

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Presley at Five Months!

No matter what we do, Miss just keeps growing and growing! Five months old....goodness where did the time go? Here's what Presley's been up to-

Presley is such a nosy rosy! When she's eating a bottle, you pretty much have to follow her around with the bottle because she is too busy looking around and checking out what everyone else is doing to eat. And if I'm trying to nurse her...forget about it! She's not even interested in eating whatsoever. Oh, she's such a mess! I have never, ever seen a child that is so social this early on. Just take a look at the other picture below of her in her chair....she's trying to see what's on the paper that is laying beside her!

She's still "talking" up a storm. She will pretty much have a conversation with you! You can start talking to her, then she'll talk, then you can say something else to her and she waits for you to finish then she starts up again. It is the cutest thing!

Presley has rolled over only a few times, since I made the big post about it. I know she can do it, she just doesn't want too! I think that she will be "tripoding" soon. That's where a baby is basically sitting up on their own, but they have their arms out in front to help support them. She can pretty much do it now...she's just still really wobbly! Presley also found her feet about 2 weeks ago! She LOVES sticking them to her mouth! There is a picture below of her eating her feet! LOL!

Little Miss has also started to be VERY unhappy with strangers. She cries and cries if someone she isn't around regularly tries to hold her. I thought that "stranger anxiety" didn't occur with babies until around 8 months, but boy was I wrong!

Her weight today was 13 lbs and 14 oz. She seems much heavier than that though! She normally drinks (if she's taking a bottle) 5 oz roughly every 3 hours. And at bedtime she takes her big bottle of 7-8 oz. All this food is starting to pay off...because Presley is not lacking in the fat rolls department!!