The Story Of Us

Friday, September 18, 2009

Presley at Three Months!

WOW! Look at this big girl! Look at that double chin! Ha ha! She is definitely getting some fat on her now. It's about time! I added the pictures of Presley at each month to the right side of the page for everyone to see her at different months and how she's grown. The picture labeled "Brand New" was one we took as soon as we got home from the 2 days old technically.

Presley can now suck on her fists, reach out for things (and occasionally grab them!), blow some bubbles, drool like CRAZY, and coo/babble a bit. She has only laughed out loud a few times and it is just precious when she does it! I can't wait for her to start laughing and talking more...of course then we'll wish she has an "off" button to push! ;) She got weighed today and the grand total was.......11 lbs, 5 oz. That is 19 ounces gained in 17 days! YAY PRESLEY! I'm so proud of her! :)

We also went on our first "play date" today with a new friend named Piper. She's too cute and I think Miss Presley and Miss Piper are going to be great friends! Of course now their play dates consist of them sitting in their carseats sleeping and Mommies eating lunch and talking! But that will change soon enough! There will come a day, very soon, when I won't be able to contain Presley in one spot!