The Story Of Us

Monday, January 3, 2011

here I go....

I don't do resolutions. I just can't stick with them. So instead I'm hoping a picture will motivate me. Sure I have some other goals such as organizing the house, painting a few rooms, getting finances in order....blah, blah, blah. But I AM going to lose weight. I have put on some extra pounds over the last 2 in California will do that to you! But pregnancy really did me in. I gained 30 pounds, which is the norm, but I haven't lost any of it. I thought breastfeeding would just melt the pounds off.....ha ha! Yeah right, not for me! Then I got back into the bad habit of eating lots of desserts and drinking empty calories. (sodas & tea, not alcohol just in case anyone was wondering!) In hindsight, I'm sure these things were comforting to me as I was trying to navigate the difficult waters of being a first-time mom. Yikes!

I'm not hoping to look like I did when I was 17 or even 21, because I am not 17 or even 21 anymore. I am 26 years old and I have birthed a human. I am incredibly proud of my body for that. I just wish I wasn't still carrying the evidence around! :) The only time I have ever lost weight in my life was for my wedding 4 1/2 years ago. So I am sticking to the plan that helped me look fabulous in my gown. I exercised, only ate one dessert a week, and only drank a coke or sweet tea once a week as well. whew! It's going to be hard no doubt. Especially quitting those yummies! I think the biggest thing for me is that I want to be healthy. And eating what I do and not exercising is NOT healthy. I want to be able to have the energy to run around with Presley. I'm sure that I probably will falter more than once, but as long as I get up and don't quit then I haven't failed. Right? At least that's what I'm telling myself! So, wish me luck!

Here is the picture that I am using for inspiration. This was 3 months before our wedding. Man, I looked good! ;)

and in other non-related news, Presley is feeling better! I think that it must have been allergies because the Claritin has definitely helped. =)


Sarah @ A day in the life said...

I hope you were holding on to that fence so you wouldn't blow away! Does this mean no more cupcakes?

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you girl. 1200 calories a day. It's the only way I can lose weight.