I can't believe that Presley has been an outside baby for longer than she was an inside baby! Crazy! It's also CRAZY to think that she is 3/4 of a year old!
We are still doing the same eating schedule that we have been for the past few months...trying to balance solids with milk. The only difference is that Presley eats a veggie at lunch now. She's not to keen on the sippy cup still. She loves to chew on it but not really suck on it. We have tried so many different kinds of cups....she doesn't like any of them. Maybe she will move to drinking out of a big girl cup when she's done with the bottle.
Miss Smarty Pants can say "da da" "ma ma" and "ba ba". She can babble a lot of other sounds, but those are definite words to her! She can flex those little fingers and say bye-bye like she's been doing it for years!
We still aren't crawling, but getting up on all fours and rocking, so maybe that's good practice! Presley is so rambunctious now. You literally can't contain her. Even when holding her, she tries to climb up you. She is getting into EVERYTHING! The other day she was playing on the floor and before I knew it, she had the diaper bag strewn to high heaven and was trying to open the wipe container!! Guess it's time to "baby-proof" the house! Presley can also stand for few seconds while holding onto us. She can go from laying down on her back to completely sitting up all by herself! She isn't pulling up on furniture yet, but I think that's coming very soon.
I haven't taken her 9 month picture with her sign (bad mommy!). But this is what we woke up to today! Guess it's time to lower the crib rails some!
Sunday Edit
9 hours ago
Wait until she starts crawling! You really won't be able to contain her!
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