The Story Of Us

Monday, October 17, 2011

Kole’s Tangled Party!


Kole turned 5 on Saturday! I still can’t believe she’s that old! The kids had so much fun and my mom and I had fun planning it all. If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know that the kids love Tangled. So for Kole’s party, Tangled was the only way to go!


Rapunzel paint as favors and Pascal party blowers! Almost all of our great ideas came from this site.


Kole was in awe of the tower! I was so happy that she liked it, cause it was a pain in the rear to put together! When reading the directions, it seemed simple enough. I took a wrong turn when I decided to do a cake base instead of a styrofoam base like Bakerella said to do…pssh, what does she know anyway? ;) so even though I hot-glued the dowel rod to the cake board, it was still too much weight and it ended up leaning and eventually falling over. We used fishing line to try to salvage it enough for pictures! I guess this is where the ghetto Rapunzel would live!!!


An up close of the jello boats we made. Such a cute idea for any party!


Tangled gifts!  =)


Presley couldn’t figure out how to do it, so she just held it for her Daddy to blow it for her!


The playhouse got a Tangled makeover too! My Dad & Kameron did this with no directions and I have to say that I was impressed! Most of the time if you give men some streamers and balloons and tell them to just decorate it however, it doesn’t turn out this great!!!


No Tangled party would be complete without painting! Even Presley got in on the action, but would only hold the brush for a second, then say “yuck, my hand id stiddy” (sticky) and promptly command me to paint what she wanted to paint. That girl’s a mess!!


The result of the above painting! It kinda stained their skin! Oops!! Presley found the cure though, when she soaked her hands in the watery soap basin for like 15 min. No, she’s not a small genius. She was just having fun playing in it! Her feet though were a different story.


I totally forgot to take a picture of the front door that day. There was a long Rapunzel-like braid hanging on it. Oh well, my mom said she’d re-do the door and get a picture!

Thanks Mama for always allowing me to help with the kids’ parties! I have such a great time doing it! :)


Sarah @ A day in the life said...

Love that tower!
Happy birthday kole!

Keli said...

I totally didn't even see the fishing line until I read it! Looks great

mom said...

Aww, thank you for always making their birthday parties so much fun. You inspire me!! Without you they would probably only have cake, ice cream, party hats and blowers! Thanks again, we love you......

zerry ht said...

Wow!! This tangled party is really awesome. Loved the party favors arranged especially the birthday cake and tangled gifts. My daughter will be celebrating her birthday next week as requested to have tangled birthday party at one of venues in Chicago. Going to use these ideas.