-Mother Name: Ashley
-Age: 24
-Birthday: Dec. 7, 1984
-Birth Place: Mississippi
-Height: 5' 5"
-Pre-pregnancy weight: wouldn't you like to know! =)
-Current weight: +15 lbs
-Fathers Name: Jeremiah
-Age: 31
-Are you with the baby's father?: Yes. LOL!
-Are you married?: Yes
-If together, how long have you been together?: Since Jan 2002, Married July 7, 2006
-Is this your first pregnancy?: Yes
-How did you find out you were pregnant?: Um, took a pregnancy test.
-What were your first symptoms?: Nothing to make me think I was pregnant, but noticed being extremely tired after I found out.
-Who did you tell first?: My H. I took the test before he got out of bed, but I didn't believe it so I made him look!
-Who was with you when you found out?: My H
-Was baby planned?: Most definitely.
-What was your reaction?: In shock that it happened so quickly and estatic because I feel like I've waited my whole life to become a mother!
-What was the baby's father's reaction?: He was super happy!
-What was the parent's reactions?: They were elated!
-What was friends and family reactions?: Everyone was really happy for us.
-Due date: July 7th, 2009
-Do you want to know the sex?: Nope.
-Do you know the sex?: Nope!
-If so, boy or girl?: See above answer =)
-Any names?: Yes, but we are kinda keeping them a surprise. Well, at least to most people.
-Any ultrasounds?: LOL!! Um, I think I've had 15 so far!
-Have you heard the heartbeat?: Yes, and I love it every time.
-Who do you think baby will look like?: I'm hoping that s/he has the best parts of both of us.
-Will baby have any siblings?: I hope later.
-Will baby have their own room?: Yes.
-What is baby's nursery theme?: Hard to explain. I'll have to just post pics when we're done!
-Have you and dad felt baby move?: I feel baby all the time and I think it's amazing and I love every second of it. My H feels it every now and then.
-Who is your OB/GYN?: A woman doc.
-What hospital will you deliver?: The hospital I work at of course.
-Who will be in the delivery room?: Me, my H, and medical personnel. No other family though.
-Will you use medication?: Don't know yet. We'll see how everything goes.
-Are you scared about labor?: Um, how about super scared!
-Will you videotape or take pictures?: My H will take some pics...hopefully, if he's not passed out!!
-How will you react when you see baby?: I'm sure the usual laughter, tears, etc.
-What will you say?: We'll see!
-Did you have morning sickness?: I was only nauseated a few times at the beginning, no vomiting though...thank the Lord!
-Did you have any cravings?: Ice cream...pretty much any sweets! =) Not far from non-pregnancy cravings, huh?!
-Did you have any mood swings?: LOL! You should ask my H this question!
-Are you a high risk pregnancy?: Was for a time, due to parvo exposure and placenta previa. I don't think I am any least I hope!
-Any complications?: See above answer.
-Formula or breastfeeding?: BF.
-Have you bought anything for baby yet?: Yes. All of the furniture, crib bedding, car seat, swing, and tons of clothes, books, toys, etc.
-When did you start to show?: In my opinion, not noticably until 21-22 weeks.
-How long could you wear your regular clothes?: I still wear some of them now...just shirts though!
-Are you excited?: What kind of question is this. Seriously
-Who will help with baby after their born?: My H, and my family lives only 30 min away.
-What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?: Feeling baby move and of course the great gift that comes at the end!
-What is the worst thing about being pregnant?: Being so tired you seriously don't want to even breathe sometimes and round ligament pains.
Sunday Edit
3 days ago
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