Holy cow! How did that happen so fast? Only 99 days left until we get to meet Sweet Pea!! =) I know I keep saying this but, time has really flown by!
There is an ultrasound school in town that will give free ultrasounds and put a video of it on a CD for you. I think it's so cool that when Sweet Pea is 5, 15 or even 30 years old, s/he can see what they were like in the womb!! Granted I'm sure the technology will be light years ahead of now when s/he is 30 and this that thrills me so much now, will seem like some lame vinyl record to Sweet Pea. But alas, it's cool in 2009! Hopefully we can go get this done sometime in the next month! Jeremiah hasn't really been able to see many ultrasounds because he was working every Friday when I went to the high-risk OB. So I know he is super excited to be able to see one. I hope Sweet Pea will cooperate and we'll get some good shots!
Well, not much else to report. I'm still feeling good, just tired, but I think that comes with carrying another human inside of ya!!
Sunday Edit
3 days ago
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