We also had another ultrasound that showed Sweet Pea is weighing in at about 3 lbs and 1 oz. We saw s/he opening its little mouth and sticking a tongue out at us! It was precious...my heart just melted! The ultrasound tech said that the baby had hair and I asked how she could tell. She pointed out the tiny little lines coming off of the head and said that's the hair! Ha ha! So Sweet Pea will not be bald after all! Thank goodness! I think babies are so much cuter with a mop of hair on top.
I can't wait to meet this precious child! I feel like we are so close to seeing him/her but yet still so far away! 11 weeks seems like too long to wait. Granted I desperately want Sweet Pea to be healthy and NOT premature, I just really want to meet Mr or Ms Petty tomorrow! I never thought I could love someone so much that I haven't even met yet!
Here is a picture of us on Easter Sunday. My big belly kind of resembles an Easter egg, no?!
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