Well, there isn't really any bad news except for me, for the fact that I haven't had a baby yet! ;) But in the good news department my doctor's appointment on Friday went well. They did another ultrasound, which showed Sweet Pea is doing fine! I also have PIH (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension), or high blood pressure caused by being pregnant. The doctor won't really do anything for this except watch it and if I develop protein in my urine, then they become more concerned. When Dr. D noticed how swollen my legs were, I just chuckled and said they're always like that. But only my feet/ankles used to swell, and now it's my whole leg up to my thigh. They are such a lovely sight!!
Last week in the birthing class, we toured the labor & delivery floor of the hospital. Which was extremely helpful because now we know where to go at (possibly) 4 in the morning and (hopefully) not get lost!
Random note- Sweet Pea gets the hiccups at least once a day now. The event is quite adorable! It's so funny to feel my belly move like it has the, well, hiccups!
Sunday Edit
3 days ago
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