The Story Of Us

Monday, April 18, 2011

22 months!

Presley is 22 months old! I can hardly believe it! Just in the past 2 weeks it seems like she is more grown up than ever. She can completely tell you what she is thinking about in full sentences. It's crazy, I tell you!

Her favorite things right now are blowing bubbles in her milk, looking at a picture after I've taken one on my camera (she says "I see" immediately afterward and won't stop until I let her see it), being thrown up in the air, 'flying' on our feet, and taking showers. The shower thing kinda surprised me. She just recently started liked it, I guess it's just getting older and used to water being in her face. But it is much easier than giving her a bath and she still gets to play with her toys so it's a win-win for everyone!

Presley puckers up for a kiss now! It's incredibly adorable! =) I don't know where she picked this up from because Jeremiah and I certainly don't go around kissing each other like this. But regardless, when you ask for a kiss and you see those lips headed for you, you kinda melt!

She still loves reading books. Her favorites right now are I Already Know I Love You and I Love You, Stinky Face. The first one has a baby on a couple of pages and she loves that. She is quite obsessed with babies at the moment. I'm sure it's because she is more aware of them now. It's funny because she even calls toddlers her own age and preschool aged kids...babies! & If Presley sees any picture of a moon in a book or on TV, she starts signing "I see the moon and the moon sees me". Actually she does it when she sees the real moon too. It's pretty cute!

We've started introducing nice manners. Before you get all "she's not even 2 yet, give me a break" on me, let me explain. We are not sticklers for this yet. But there will come a day when Presley needs to be courteous and it is a lot easier if you've just done it from the beginning, believe me. I've been around my nephews and niece from their beginnings and I've seen the way my mom has raised them with this motto and they are all so well mannered. It's such a refreshing change! Of course they aren't perfect, no one is, but for the most part, they say nice things back to you. {GREAT job Mama!} We've always said thank you back to Presley when she gives us something. But now we are incorporating please, and sir and ma'am. She has picked up on the please quite well and says "peas" sometimes without us telling her too. And she says sir or ma'am after we say it to her and it's so sweet!

Presley can now climb on the coffee table, couch and dinning room chairs by herself! Yay! Mommy will be headed for a heart attack in no time!

And finally she calls every bug or even anything that resembles a bug, a bee. She'll say "shooo bee" and wave her hands around. Or she'll say "blah bee" if she sees a dead bug.

The cereal pictures are included because today was the first day Presley ate real cereal. And by that I mean in a bowl with actual milk in it! And the whale outfit is a recent purchase from Carter's and was just too cute to not include! :)


Keli said...

That whale outfit is adorable! I think Emmy needs it! And I don't think its ever too early to teach manners. I taught Emmy the signs, please and thank-you really early and she uses them a lot!

Sarah @ A day in the life said...

Such a big girl! I love the kiss pictures!
And we so do please and thank you too. Must be us southern folks! :)