The Story Of Us

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

who knew coffee filters could be creative?

So, I'm sure that you have seen these before. They are everywhere right now. People on Etsy sell them for $40, but mine cost $8...and a hunk of my skin off by the stupid glue gun! That seriously hurts! It took me a few hours to complete but I gave myself lots of breaks. I could have probably hammered it out in one hour, but watching Little Women and casually gluing did much more for my sanity, at least for the first time doing it!

So pretty! I just love it! I have a bunch of filters left, so I will probably make another one, or two. The picture below is of the whole wall. I might replace the white ribbon with a red one to match the curtains. I think it might make the wreath stand out a little more.


Keli said...

I wonder if you could some how dye the filters. that might be pretty cool! You should put a tutorial up!

Sarah @ A day in the life said...

Love this! I am TERRIFIED of the glue gun. Maybe this is why I haven't made one yet!