The Story Of Us

Sunday, May 16, 2010

(almost) 11 months in the making

A TOOTH! We finally have a tooth! After what seems like an eternity of crazy drooling, gnawing on everything and loads of tylenol and orajel.....Presley cut her first tooth! I can't get a picture of the elusive little thing, but I'm trying. I need someone to hold her down and her mouth open while I snap the camera. It's on the bottom center and it is just a little above the surface of her gums. She really is the best tempered baby, because through all of this craziness, she has only been a little more fussy. Honestly I would have ripped a house apart if I was cutting teeth! I think God knew what he was doing when he made us cut teeth when we were too young to remember it! ;)


Care said...

Yay for a tooth!!!