The Story Of Us

Saturday, May 8, 2010

growing up is HARD on Mommy

...not so much physically or financially, but emotionally! Good grief! I could just cry when I look at these two photos. This big girl cannot be the baby we brought home last June! It is flying by way too fast! It's not fair that babyhood is over in the blink of an eye. :(

The only way that Presley will still let me cuddle with her is by feeding her a bottle. I'm quite sure that she could hold it on her own, but Mommy can't let go of that "together" time just yet. But now she downs the bottle in about a minute flat and then wiggles to be let down. So that time is dwindling anyway. She used to let us rock her to sleep before bed. Not any more. Just within the last few weeks, she wants to be burped after her bottle, hugged/rocked for just a minute, then promptly placed in her bed so she can go to sleep on her own. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that she can put herself to sleep and that she is a great little sleeper. I'm just sad that she doesn't need me for that anymore.

Presley's first ride in her car seat. Look how little! We even had to roll a blanket up and place it between her bottom and the strap!

We took this picture right before we threw the car seat away. (had to because of the wreck) Hard to believe how much she's grown! These pictures really show it!


Care said...

Oh my gosh, I need to do a before/after. I cant believe how fast it goes! She is so beautiful. Happy Mother's Day!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear! Karri told me about this and I am glad to see it for myself! I can't believe how big she has gotten! Great Idea with the before and after pic! Tonya