The Story Of Us

Friday, November 19, 2010

17 months!

Presley is now 17 months {and 1 day!} old! I can't believe how fast the time has flown by and that by the next month post, Presley will be 6 months away from turning TWO! It both scares and excites me!

Here are the new things that Presley's doing now.
*says "shhh" with one finger over her mouth
*finally knows what a dog says. this was a huge work in progress...she knew that a dinosaur roars for about a month before this. seriously!
*says nigh nigh when time for bed, and uoh....which is uh oh in case you didn't know that.
*if you mention that it's time for a diaper change, she will go lay down in the floor and pat her diaper! it's so stinkin' cute!
*gives hugs and kisses on command. it's one of my favorite things & makes her seem so grown up!
*shakes her head "no" when we ask her to go do something....gotta love that independence!
*puts her fingers in her ears like she doesn't want to listen to you talk. it's the funniest thing! she started it when we went to disney a few weeks ago and i just forgot to blog about it. who knows where she picked it up from!

Little Miss has finally transitioned to one nap during the day. She still sleeps from about 7:30-8 during the night. She has just recently gone to the one nap. I'm not sure if I like it or not. She seems to be so sleepy in the afternoon still. Maybe it's because nap is mostly around 11:30 or 12 & they still only last about 1.5-2 hours. Uggg, why can't children understand how awesome sleep is?

Everything else is pretty much the same as last month. No different news on eating habits, etc.


Keli said...

Love her outfit! She's getting so big!

Sarah @ A day in the life said...

I'm so jealous she sleeps until 8. :)